Coding Apps for days!

Edward Arias
4 min readJun 25, 2021


Do you feel the need to code or learn a new coding language but do not want to turn on your computer? I have gathered a couple of mobile apps for you to do that on your devices!

Since starting my coding boot-camp I have been thinking about coding all the time. I want to take advantage of my free time and learn about anything related to coding. While looking around I came across a couple of apps to kill time when traveling, sitting on your couch, in the park, basically anywhere.

There are several apps on the list but I will focus on two of them and dive into their UI and how they work. The first on the list is from the very famous site ‘Codeacademy’ called ‘CodeacademyGo.’ This app is very intuitive, simple to use and has a variety of coding languages you can choose from.

You can get it from your app store. Once downloaded, the app will ask you to create an account, sign up and choose the languages you would want to learn or review. Once you have selected the languages press ‘continue’ and choose if you would want daily or occasional notifications to get back to it or

you can choose to not be notified. Press continue again and it will direct you to your homepage.

As you can see now, you have a carousel of the apps you have selected, swipe left to see them all. Below that is a list of articles where you can read about related coding topics. Next, if you press on the four small squares at the bottom, it will take you to your catalog where you will see your enrolled languages. There is a search bar to look for other languages you might have not seen yet. Finally, next to the search icon there is the profile button, here you can see your current streaks, and a calendar showing you the days you have coded.

Back in the homepage, pressing one of the languages will take you to the course page. This will have all the details pertaining to the course. Intro, reviews, practice, cheat-sheet and more. Let’s say you want to learn about ‘Template Literals.’ Just press on it and it will take you to what that is and how it can be used. They also have quizzes where you can test the knowledge you have just learned!

The next one is called ‘Mimo’ which according to their site has more than four million users! This is a very great app all around. If you are a competitive person, this is the app for you. From leader-boards to basic word definitions, this app has it all. You will have to create an account and choose the route you will want to go. From web development to Data Science and more. Once logged in, you will learn the basics of each category and the deeper you go you will encounter the harder/more advanced questions/codes. As mentioned before, there is a leader-board and it tracks your process and compares it to other people using the app. The app has a ‘code’ session with a glossary of words and a playground to practice your code. In the profile tab you will find articles, your level, name, a session to add a bio and a picture as well as an add friends feature!

Those are the two main apps I am using but as you can imagine there are a lot more you can find. Below are some of the other apps I found, I did not test them all but if you have time, give them a try!

Similar Apps: [SoloLearn, Grassshopper, ProgrammingHub, CodePlayground and DataCamp]

